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Disco Polo
The Disco Polo genre first developed in the late 1980s as sidewalk music (Polish: muzyka chodnikowa) or backyard music (Polish: muzyka podwórkowa).
Disco polo is a genre of popular dance music, created in Poland
It is an urban folk music, popular in the mid-late 1990s, with its popularity peaking around 1995–1997. Language Dictionary Polish Publishing PWN defines the genre as a Polish variant of disco music, with simple melodies, and often ripe lyrics.
Classic disco polo songs are distinguished by simple chord progressions[clarification needed] and melodies, with additional influences drawn from folk music's steady rhythms. Syncopated samples of percussion, synths, and keyboard instruments are frequently used to accompany these. Compositions in the 4/4 time signature predominate in the genre. Lyrics are frequently emotional and whimsical, centered on themes of love and, on sometimes, holidays.
We create Logic Pro templates Cubase templates and Ableton templates in different genres of dance music
All of our Logic templates as well as Cubase templates and Ableton templates are created using only DAW built-in tools and plugins. This eliminates compatibility issues with plug-ins and tools from other manufacturers.
You'll simply need a DAW of your choosing - Logic Pro, Cubase Pro, or Ableton Live - and a fully installed sound library to get started with our template!
We use audio tracks for vocals and FX in our templates. All synthesizers and sampler instruments are on midi tracks and can be edited or replaced with other instruments.
All DAW LibrarY disco polo templates can be freely edited: modify any sound, all synthesizer parameters, chords, melodies, and more.
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