German Schlager
There are 14 products.
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- DAW: Logic Pro clear
Explore the creation of the German Schlager music using the " Gerne wieder! " Logic Pro template.
Karussell - Logic Template
Explore the creation of the German Schlager music using the Logic template " Karussell "!
Mystery - Logic Pro Template
Enjoy the sound of the " Mystery " Logic Pro template and make your own on its basis!
Ein Stern für Dich - Logic Pro Template
Explore the creation of the German Schlager music using the Logic Pro template EIN STERN FÜR DICH
Diese Nacht - Logic Pro Template
Explore the creation of the German Schlager music using the Logic Pro template " Diese Nacht ".
Dein Herz - Logic Pro Template
Explore the creation of the German Schlager music using the Logic Pro template " Dein Herz "!