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In a variety of rock music styles, we create templates for the rock genre.
Rock music is a genre of popular music that originated as "rock and roll" and later developed into a range of different styles.
Rock music is as diverse as the world around it; it evolves alongside us, forming new styles and trends all the time. How did it all begin?
Rock music began in America in the 18th century. The history of rock is inextricably linked to the development of America. A young country on another continent drew immigrants from all over Europe, bringing musical instruments, culture, and traditions with them.
Simultaneously, Africans began to appear in the United States. Despite differences in social status, government protests, and a strong desire to separate the two cultures, music from the white and black worlds was able to unite. African-Americans who live in songs, dances, and rhythm were given European instruments, a rich English, and grateful listeners. Jazz, swing, ragtime, and, eventually, blues emerged, followed by rhythm and blues.
All of our Logic templates Cubase templates and Ableton templates from DAW LibrarY are created using only DAW built-in tools and plugins. This eliminates compatibility issues with plug-ins and tools from other manufacturers. We use audio tracks for vocals and FX in our rock templates . All synthesizers and sampler instruments are on midi tracks and can be edited or replaced with other instruments.
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