Cubase Templates
There are 94 products.
Check out this Cubase template " Blues King " based on B.B.King music style!
Crazy Heaven - Cubase Template
CRAZY HEAVEN Cubase template gives you the starting point for your next Pop-Rock production!
Ein Stern für Dich - Cubase Template
Explore the creation of the German Schlager music using the Cubase template " Ein Stern für Dich "!
Free Cubase template - Startup
The signal routing in our free Cubase template is as close to an analog studio mixing console!
Diese Nacht - Cubase Template
Explore the creation of the German Schlager music using the " Diese Nacht " Cubase template!
Dein Herz - Cubase Template
Explore the creation of the German Schlager music using the Cubase template " Dein Herz "!