PoP templates by DAW LibrarY Pop music is a popular music genre that emerged in the USA and the UK.

The terms "popular music" and "pop music" are sometimes used interchangeably, despite the fact that the former defines all popular music and encompasses a wide range of forms. We create Logic Pro templates, Cubase templates and Ableton templates in different genres of pop music. Although much of the music on record charts is classified as pop music, the genre is distinct from chart music. Repeated choruses and hooks, short to medium-length songs composed in a simple framework (typically the verse-chorus structure), and danceable rhythms or tempos are common identifying elements. A lot of pop music takes aspects from other genres including rock, urban, dance, Latin, and country.


Dance PoP genre
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Future PoP genre
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Disco Funk genre
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Electropop genre
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Indie PoP genre
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Latin Pop genre
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PoP genre
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PoP Rock genre
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Synth PoP genre
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Soul genre
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RnB genre
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Funk genre
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Take a look - Logic Template
Explore the creation of the German Schlager music using the " Take a look " Logic template.
TPA. - Ableton Template
Explore the creation of the modern pop using the TPA. Ableton Template
TPA. - Cubase Template
Explore the creation of the modern pop using the TPA. Cubase Template
TPA. - Logic Template
Explore the creation of the modern pop using the TPA. Logic Template