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Synth pop was defined by its heavy reliance on synthesizers, drum machines, and sequencers
Synth pop is a kind of new wave music that emerged in the late 1970s and employs the synthesizer as the dominant musical instrument.
This genre was defined by its heavy reliance on synthesizers, drum machines, and sequencers, which were occasionally used to substitute all other instruments. It impacted several prominent rock artists, including Bruce Springsteen, ZZ Top, and Van Halen. It had a big influence on house music, which emerged from the early 1980s post-disco dance club scene.
All of our Logic templates as well as Cubase templates and Ableton templates are created using only DAW built-in tools and plugins. This eliminates compatibility issues with plug-ins and tools from other manufacturers.
We use audio tracks for vocals and FX in our templates. All synthesizers and sampler instruments are on midi tracks and can be edited or replaced with other instruments.
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